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SEO Consultation Service Options 

Take the next step to optimize your business website. Provide your audience a better user experience and customer journey-improving website internet visibility (SEO), usability, and accessibility. Invest in your website content with these two SEO Consultation and Writing Services.

Quality Written Content 
Content Marketing Strategy
SEO Best Practices 

 Your website content drives more visitors to your site, to engage, to share, and ultimately will help in the decision to work with you. 

Below are the service details you can choose from, one or both, depending on your website needs. 

1. Website Content Strategy Report

Starting at $500

a. Keyword Research and Recommendations

Keywords and topics that are important to your audience to help focus web page text and general website content.

The research includes looking at your business industry and local competitors and finding keywords that have been successful for them.  

b. Website Structure and SEO Foundations

Provides insights into creating a better website structure to improve search indexing, accessibility, and user experience

-site navigation
naming conventions (hyperlinks, documents)
-internal linking (anchor text)
-page titles and meta-descriptions
-page heading sequences

c. Website User Experience

Calls out areas of the website where the user experience can be improved.

-buttons vs. hyperlinks
-color contrast
-content placement
-overall user journey

d. Content Marketing Recommendations

Suggests content distribution channels based on your audience’s needs and business goals.

If you don’t have a website, the report will provide a rollout strategy. 

2. SEO Content Writing

Starting at $1000

a. New Website Content

The website content is written to be informative, engaging, and optimized for search engines and your audience. Copywriting is also provided where persuasive copy is needed. 

Two iterations of writing are delivered for review and approval.

Content Types
-Landing pages:
increase visibility, convert leads and create the best user experience with informative content (Home, Services, About, etc.)
-Blog Posts:
provide topic ideas that complement your social media strategy, and I will write blog posts for you (ghostwriting is also available)
-Case studies or client stories:
showcase your expertise and highlight the benefits of your business and services through thoughtful words and stories

b. Edit Existing Content

Sometimes existing web pages only need a light edit by applying SEO best practices, grammar fixes, and finessing content structure for easy reading. 

Including updating blog posts with new information if the data has become outdated.

Typical Website Content Project Includes 

3 Landing Pages (Home, About, Services) and a blog post

Can Customize the scope to fit your website writing needs.

Freelance, ad hoc content writing/editing, and consulting services are also available at a rate of $85/hr.

Content & website optimization for your audience